What does a Movie Director do?
Directors supply the creative vision of a film—from development through the final edit. The creative choices and the impact of those decisions all lie on the director's shoulders. Whether it is wardrobe, location, or acting dilemmas, the final accountability all rests on them.
Directors are typically employed by the producer, who is in charge of the production. Unless, of course, this is the director's project, and they team up with a producing partner. Although the director is the authoritative figure on the shoot, the director answers to the producer, especially when creative choices impact the budget or schedule. However, the producer does strive to support the director's creative vision. After all, moviemaking is a collaborative process.
The director should have a broad knowledge of the art of filmmaking. The director should have a general understanding of every crew member's duties and responsibilities they must direct.
The director's primary focus is the following:
Visualize and define the structure of the script and then bringing it to life
Carry out duties, such as casting, script editing, shot composition, shot selection, and editing
Work with the producers to select department heads, such as the director of photography, assistant director, and production designer.
They work with the director of photography to develop the shots and the overall film's look and style.
They manage the technical aspects of filming, including the camera, sound, lighting, production design, and special effects department.
At the same time, a director will also guide and paint their vision to other crew members, including wardrobe, hair, and makeup supervisors.
Directors rehearse and 'block' the performance with the actors before filming begins. Blocking rehearsals also include the director of photography, the lighting department, the sound department, and the Assistant Director.
During post-production, the director leads the film's editing and prepares the 'director's cut.' Producers will review that cut before the final cut is signed off.
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